Monday, November 5, 2012

Seattle Bloggers Unite

You know what the #1 best thing about blogging is?  THE OTHER BLOGGERS!  They're all awesome.  It seems strange that of all the bloggers I've met so far, there is not even ONE that I don't like.  Apparently, we are all the same breed of crazy, and I love it. 

First we went running around Greenlake.

Then we went running around Greenlake again.

And 6 miles in 56 minutes were done!

Alma, Megan, Becky, Zoe, Julie, Lauren, Rebecca, Andrea, Meghan, Lindsay, & Sarah. Whew.

And then we drank coffee!

If you missed it - you MISSED OUT!  Let's do it again soon?

How was your weekend?  What did you do?