Monday, January 6, 2014

2014: The Year of the Half Ironman?

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you had a lovely holiday.  Now that I've recapped 2013 let's talk goals for 2014.  

1)  Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal for 2013 was to end the year the same weight I started it at but we all know that didn't happen...  Not sure if this is possible prior to being done breastfeeding but I could certainly try harder than I have been!  It's just hard because I'm hungry ALL THE FREAKING TIME, plus we all know I'm not getting a ton of sleep (and we all know the correlation between weight gain and lack of sleep), but things have been pretty off the rails with the holidays.  Less sugar, more veggies. 
2)  Complete a Half ironman???  I've only done one triathlon, and it was just a sprint, so I don't know why I think I can tackle a half ironman, but that's definitely on my bucket list - and why not this summer?  I originally hoped to complete this last summer, but that obviously didn't happen.  I think if I can capitalize on summer off from work to train then (I don't think I could balance it otherwise) - so if I could find one that was in August or September I think I could *maybe* swing this?  I'm definitely most worried about the biking...

3)  Complete a Marathon??  Wow, two question marked goals in a row.  I would LOVE to do a marathon this year but if I have to choose (which I'm guessing I might have to) I'd choose the Half Ironman.  Again, if I do one, it's going to be in the fall with the majority of training done during the summer.  Also, I need to be done breastfeeding before I tackle a marathon.  I really do want to do one this year because I'm on the every other year plan - I've completed 3 marathons in 2008, 2010, and 2012, so I MUST do one in 2014!  I won't lie, Chicago has been calling to me...

2008, 2010, 2012

4)  Submit at LEAST one paper for publication.  While finishing my dissertation was AWESOME, it pretty much means nothing if I never do anything with it!  If I want to make myself marketable job-wise (even though that's the furthest thing from my mind right now) I need to beef up the CV.  To make this more accountable, let's say I need one paper submitted by March and another submitted by October. 

5)  Be present. When I'm with Baby J, BE with him. When I'm at work, WORK. There's no sense feeling guilt over something that can't be changed. You work AND are a mom so try your best to be good at both, even though you'll probably never be able to be great at both.  Spend more quality time with JMan.  We still haven't been on a date since Baby J was born!  We need to find a babysitter. 

6)  Breastfeed through the first year. My goal was 6 months, let's see if we can make it 6 more.  I don't have much control over this, but I sure can try.  I AM super tired of pumping, evidence being that I didn't pump at ALL over break even though I wanted to to add to my freezer stash, but I will do what I can to try and maintain my supply if it dips again (I had a problem a while back but went on a "pumping vacation" one weekend - which is NOT a vacation AT ALL, and also made some lactation cookies).  

Clearly breastfeeding is working so far.

7)  A PR of some sort would be nice... but I won't hold my breath. I'd rather finish a Half Ironman than train for a PR.  It IS pretty sad how old my PR's are though.  If I wait too long I'll be too old to get any new PR's!  So maybe a more appropriate goal is to "get faster" this year, to put myself in position to legitimately PR in 2015.  If I can consistently train throughout the year (which means not getting injured AND not being lazy) I think this can happen.  So perhaps "consistently train throughout the year" is the real goal here. 

8)  Read one book for fun and one professional book or magazine each month.  I was SHOCKED to discover I read 28 books in 2013, but 9 of those were baby-related, so 19 sounds a lot more right.  My favorite "for fun" books of 2013 were Me Before You and Where'd You Go Bernadette, and my definite favorite professional book of 2013 was Focus.  


9)  Continue the streak???  As of today I've run for 36 days in a row.  Can I keep it up?  Go for 50?  Or more??  We'll see!

10)  Have a GREAT year!  I hope you all have great years too!  What are you going to do this year to make it great???