If you've been following along, you might know that I have completely fallen off the running bandwagon since Ragnar. It's sad because I was truckin' along quite nicely with my eyes set on a sub 2 half marathon at this race and then somehow all of the motivation was gone. The dark, cold, and fatigue have gotten to me.
So needless to say, I was actually kind of dreading Sunday. The forecast was for 100% chance of rain, 20-25 mph winds, I had to set my alarm at 4:50 freaking a.m., and I knew it was going to HURT. It just did not sound like a fun time, and I honestly thought about bailing and staying cozy and warm at home instead.
If these peeps weren't going to be there I DEFINITELY would have stayed home!
Go Seahawks!
But then the alarm went off (actually, I was already up at 4:00am feeding Baby J) and I really wasn't that tired, and it wasn't raining at that moment (and it never did rain!) and I actually felt pretty good during the race, considering! It's funny how I felt so incredibly terrible-death-marchy at the Salty Half even though I was trained yet I felt waaaayy better today even though I hadn't run in 3 weeks and hadn't run more than 7 miles in 6 whopping weeks. You really never know who is going to show up on race day.
Anyway, there's not a lot to say about the race. It was great to catch up with Lindsay and Jordanne - we ran together the entire way (well, until the last mile when Lindsay wanted to show off her downhill running skills), it never rained once despite the forecast, the wind wasn't even too terrible except for during the first 2-3 miles, it's much more fun to do races with friends than to run alone, and that's about it?
We were definitely treating this race in a LEISURELY fashion - oh you want to walk to test your blood sugar? We'd LOVE to do that! Oh you want to walk this hill? YEP. Oh should we stop and go to the bathroom? DEFINITELY! But when we hit the 13 mile marker my watch showed we had exactly 1 minute to get in under 2:20. While I knew already this was going to be my slowest half yet I thought maybe we could try to keep it under 2:20? So I convinced Jordanne to run as fast as we could to the finish, but when I stopped my Garmin I saw 2:20:01! WHAT?! It must have been longer than .1. Jordanne had 2:19:59 so I'm going with her time...
Total time: 2:20:01 Average Pace: 10:41
Total elevation gain: 807 feet
Splits: 10:13, 9:52, 10:02, 14:31 (this is when we were in the tunnel and when the distance got behind), 9:26, 11:04, 9:49, 12:40 (this was not in a tunnel and is accurate!), 10:40, 11:28, 9:48, 10:06, 11:39
And just because I might want to remember what the elevation map looked like for next time:
And that's it! Sorry folks, there's not much to say this time. Half marathon #16 (? I think) is in the books.