Every post needs an adorable picture of Baby J, related or not!
I also am not so sure about my Half Ironman > Marathon decision. Maybe I want to run a marathon more? The new lottery system at Chicago has thrown a wrench in that plan, but I still might throw my name in the hat? Or there's always CIM? Or Portland if I want to be boring and cheap, which I don't really.
So anyway, I guess I don't have a point, except I'm still not entirely decided about my #1 big goal of 2014 yet. Which is okay, because I don't think anything would really be happening training wise until summer, besides building a good base (which I absolutely do NOT have right now with all the slacking I've been doing). So that brings me to the point of this post (if there is one). It's become clear that races are the best method for ensuring I DO have a base and I DO do some long runs. Further, after missing out on so many races last year I've been going a little crazy with the "register" button.
Here's my line-up (just so far!) for 2014. Will you be at any of these races?
March 2: The Hot Chocolate 15k
I really wanted to do this race last year, but a 15k seemed a bit far and the price was a bit steep for pregnant me, and the 5k a bit early... so I didn't. I wanted to do the race again this year but again, the price is just a bit steep for a non-half marathon in my mind. But then sweet Andrea (a Hot Chocolate ambassador!) had a giveaway and... I WON! I am seriously ecstatic. THANK YOU THANK YOU ANDREA! But seriously - this isn't very far away - I need to start training. 9+ miles is no joke.

March 15: The Tacoma St. Patty's Half Marathon
An opening day $25 bargain I couldn't pass up - but now... it's not very far away people! Again - NEED to start training!
April 13: The Seahawks 12k
I'm not signed up for this yet, and I'm not sure it'll work out date-wise, but I've done this race the last 2 years in a row and would love to continue the tradition. I'd love for JMan and Baby J to join me this year!
May 4: Tacoma City Half Marathon
Thanks to volunteering at this race last year (which was a blast!), I was able to register for this race for only $25. SCORE! It's the day after a wedding we're attending so we'll see how "up and at 'em" I am that morning!
June 14: Dilettante Women's Triathlon (also called 5 Mile Lake Women's Triathlon)
I wanted to do this race last year SOOOO BAD. I seriously asked JMan if I could do it (though at the time I was only like 3 months pregnant and had NO IDEA what it would be like to be 9 months pregnant). But the race was not only on the same day as my graduation, but it was also when I was 9 months pregnant. Not only a no-go, but I couldn't even cheer on all my buddies! While I would like to do the Olympic distance, I think it's more realistic this early in the summer that I'll do the sprint.
COME DO THIS RACE WITH ME! Use "RICOLERUNS" for a 10% off code!
July 18-19: Ragnar ULTRA Relay!!!
Last year I missed out on not one but TWO relays (both of which I was captaining, which made it extra painful!), one of which was an ULTRA. This is definitely something I've been dying to cross off my bucket list, so when Lauren's team from last year had a vacancy, I jumped on it! I'm both terrified and ecstatic about this race!

August 22-23: HOOD TO COAST!
Woot. Missing out on this race last year was rough, so I'm glad my team is in again this year so I get another chance.

Whew. So that's a lot of races. These are all races I am actually already signed up for, and that's a LOT. 7 races in the first 8 months of 2014???
On the one hand - this looks like a LOT. On the other hand, I'm one that struggles to complete long runs. I either need running buddies there with me, or I need a race. So this schedule is guaranteed to keep me somewhat in shape.
But where does a half ironman fit into this, you ask? I'm not sure. The options for half ironmans are kind of slim around here. There's Lake Stevens, which is an officially trademarked "Ironman" race, who's date change from July to August 17 is actually very convenient in my summer-only training plan. But man it's expensive. Then there's Black Diamond September 13. This is not an "official" race, but I don't care about that, and though the price still makes me cringe, it's a lot cheaper. I need to investigate the courses more. And.... is that all? Does anyone know of any other half ironman triathlons in the Pacific Northwest?
And what about a marathon? If not Chicago, then what? CIM seems too late, and I've already done Portland. What's flat, fast, and sometime around October??
No matter what though, doing a half ironman or a marathon are up in the air until I'm sleeping. Nothing can happen without more sleep, that's for sure. That's why my big races need to involve summer training, because not only do I hope the sleeping will be better by then, can also sleep in a bit more, but also won't feel (as) guilty being away training since I'll be with Baby J all week. Right now, I'd need to either train before work or after Baby J goes to bed, and I'm just waaaayyy too tired for either of those options. Sleep is too precious at this point.
Anyone doing any of these races??? Who?? SIGN UP!!!