When I first found I was pregnant, I immediately knew I wanted it to be kept a secret. But I did not realize in the LEAST how incredibly difficult that would be. Keeping this secret was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
But what I knew more than anything, was that I absolutely did NOT want to get people's hopes up and then have them face that dissapointment. There were a few people who I really wanted to tell who I probably could have. But my parents, my in-laws, and some of our friends who I knew would be so excited and I just didn't want to let them down (Rachael and Leandrea - I'm talking to you!).
It didn't help that my very first doctor appointment wasn't for MORE than THREE WHOLE WEEKS after I found out with those little blue lines.
Why yes, I did take not 1, not 2, but 3 tests. And yes, I did take a picture of them.
The waiting seemed like an eternity. I even kept questioning - is there really a baby in there? Even though I had about a billion pregnancy symptoms (um, hello fatigue and food aversions), I kept questioning if they were just "placebo" effects! Yep, I'm crazy.
There were certainly times that were harder than others to keep it a secret. We went through Thanksgiving AND Christmas with our families without telling them. I ran the Mustache Dache, the Seattle Half Marathon, and the Christmas Rush 10k knowing I was pregnant but somehow not telling the running buddies! Others around me were pregnant and talking about their's and I was DYING to share and especially to ask questions. There was the work holiday Christmas party where I was one of the only people without a drink. Michelle kept telling me to enjoy her favorite beer for her and I couldn't! Yep, keeping secrets isn't my strong suit.
But FINALLY I got some proof that there was a baby in there after all!
Isn't it adorable?! :-)
So I am SO happy to finally finally FINALLY tell the world that yes, I am indeed, "in the family way". I finally told my boss, we bought a crib, and major works on the baby's room are underway! This is happening people! Whether I'm ready or not...