Monday, April 22, 2013

Rudiger's First "Real" Race: The Seahawks 12k!

Rudiger ran his first "real" race on Sunday: the Seahawks 12k.

Technically speaking, Rudiger has run the Mustache Dache 5k, the Seattle Half Marathon, and the Christmas Rush 10k, but since all of these runs took place early in the first trimester, before he was kicking up a storm and the size of the "head of a cauliflower" (not as cute as a papaya, that's for sure!), we're calling this his first "real" race.  

Although I signed up for and always planned on running the 12k, the 1-2 weeks leading up to the race had me severely doubting my capacity to do so, especially given the time limit of 15 minute miles (I do not walk fast).  All week I had been feeling really huge, my belly was feeling oh so tight, and side stitches and general tightness kept me from running at ALL.  The previous weekend I think I ran 1.5 miles.  

Then I took my 27 week picture, and just for fun, decided to compare it to my 26 week picture.  Yes, apparently I am on a schedule with what I wear - that must be my "Thursday" outfit.

That's ONE WEEK of difference people!   Can you believe that?   I still can't.  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???  No wonder I was freaking feeling tight and humongous!  

Anyway, back to the task at hand.  I had decided to totally play it by ear race-wise.  There's a 5k also, although they run different routes so you have to decide right away which race to choose.  The 12k is also mostly an out-and-back, so I knew if worst came to worst I could just discreetly turn around and cross over to the other side of the road.  :-)  Oh look at me, I'm in first place now... hehe.  

Sunday dawned lovely (at first!) and I felt good.  We got to the start with plenty of time to spare and found all our buddies.  Somehow I sadly missed my bump twin Tall Mom Mel though.  And then... it started raining.  Of course it did! 

Lindsay and I right before the race

But I felt pretty good the whole time!  27.5 weeks, in the 3rd trimester, and I'm happy to report I averaged nearly exactly 10 minute miles!  My right calf continues to plague me and this was no different, although it also started to move to my shin.  In the last mile or two my left outside knee (IT Band?) was a little stabby, but other than that, success!  I ran the first 3+ without stopping, walked a little in the 4th mile just to make sure my heart rate stayed low-ish, and then walked the 2 or 3 hills on the return trip of the out-and-back. 

With like a half mile to go I could see Katie waaaaayyyyyy up ahead so I forced myself to try and catch her before the finish and I just barellllyyy made it. 

Race Review:  I love this race and will be back next year again.  My only rather MAJOR complaint was the small number of port-a-potties out on the race course.  They just had two places with them (though you ran past the 1st spot twice so there was access 3 times) but there was only THREE in each location.  And apparently this year they doubled their number of participants and had 4,000-5,000 people.  FOR THREE PORT-A-POTTIES.  I definitely would have used the first group I came to but didn't want to wait in the ginormous line, but had to wait at the 2nd stop, which took 4-5 minutes.  That's a long freaking time when you're just standing there! 

This year they had REAL LIVE SEAHAWKS handing out the water and I thought that was pretty awesome.  Unfortunately I live under a rock and I didn't know who any of them were, so I can't tell you guys.  But I promise you they were actual NFL players. 

Race outfit at 27.5 weeks.  Disregard the messy room.

Total Distance: 7.67 miles
Splits: 10:06, 9:55, 9:46, 10:04, 9:55, 10:50 (hills!), 10:37, 9:41 (.67)
Average Pace: 10:08
Total Time: 1:17:42

Annddd most importantly, I didn't get last place. 

And that's a wrap!  How was your weekend?  What did you do?  
PS - I haven't forgotten that I have about a bajillion other blog posts to finish... they're all started...