Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Transformation of a Mess to a Nursery: Part 3 - the Final Chapter!

So you've all watched as Baby J's nursery came together - though it took a really really really really really long time to be finished!  But, since he just slept in his room (kind of?) for the very first time last night, I guess it didn't need to be done until now!
***This post was written a month ago!  He's been sleeping in his crib / own room since 3 months. 

 Can't precious just always sleep on me instead??

Yes, I had major anxiety about him sleeping in his own room.  Yes, I know it's unlikely someone will break in and steal him, or there will be a fire, or a carbon monoxide issue, or he'll need me and I won't hear him on the monitor.  I know it's VERY unlikely there'll be a zombie apocalypse (yes, I just finished reading World War Z!).  Yes, I know these are irrational thoughts but they're thoughts nonetheless.  So sue me!

Spoiler alert: He slept in there until 3am, when he woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep until 5am, when we finally caved and put him in his swing.  Unfortunately this is a fairly common occurrence, unrelated to sleeping in his own room.  We try not to negotiate with terrorists, but sometimes in sleep deprivation states the terrorist wins.  Yes, Baby J is a terrorist sometimes.  A very precious one!

But I digress - let's reveal the final FINAL nursery!

You saw the mess of an office that started it all.

This is embarrassing.

You saw us paint stripes on the wall (no easy feat, just ask JMan!):

You saw the mobile my crafty friend Lisa helped me make:

 I mentioned already how the cuteness is directly related to the size of the googly eye!

You saw the nursery mostly done when we added the furniture:

But here's the FINAL nursery shot!

Recent additions include:

Using gutters to make book shelves for the wall (idea from one of those remodel on a budget shows) - these shelves cost about $30 - less than ONE much smaller shelf, and I LOVE the look of it:

The painted letters on canvas on the wall (thanks to Mom's Little Running Buddy for the inspiration): 

Although I originally had used fabric glue to adhere the letters to the canvas fabric, I ended up nailing the letter through the canvas onto the wall just to ensure 100% that it stays adhered to the wall and doesn't come crashing down onto Baby J's head!

**Hint - I bought an additional window shade and cut it up so the fabric on the canvases matched.

A changing table (thanks Mom!).  Originally we were just going to use the dresser top but my Mom wanted something a little taller for her back - and it is WAY easier and nice to have the extra shelves.

An organized closet!  Also thanks to my Mom!  Originally the closet just had the standard bar / shelf across the top.  We added a closet organization system and voila - so much more storage space!

 Although it looks pretty messy - babies need way too much stuff!

Finally - a very distorted panoramic photo of the final product that makes the room look huge even though it's DEFINITELY not.  Sidebar - I need to get a wide-angle lens for the camera.

And that's it!  Baby J's nursery!  I hope he likes it!