On the one hand, I'm ridiculously excited about spending the weekend running down a mountain, hanging out with some fun Nuunies, and in general relaying it up. It was SO HARD missing first Ragnar, then Spokane to Sandpoint, and THEN still Hood to Coast this summer. Relays are like my most favorite thing EVER, so while I missed deli meat and caffeine and alcohol (and let's face it - even now I only get caffeine and alcohol in restrictive moderation), I missed the relays WAYYYY MORE. So I'm WAY excited to be able to still do one in 2013 and am really appreciative to Nuun for the opportunity. I'm also beyond excited to sleep a full uninterrupted night's sleep tomorrow night.
But I'm going to miss this face SO much!
On the other hand, I'm ridiculously nervous about leaving Baby J for the first time. While I'm away from him for about 8.5 hours every single work day, that's the longest I've ever been away from him. And sometimes I cry about it during those 8.5 hours. Yes, that happened. This weekend will be about 54 hours away. EEK. That just gave me anxiety to add that up. I'm also worried about my husband, who will be on baby duty alone for about 24 hours straight, plus an additional night alone. I've done it and I know that taking care of Baby J alone without back-up is exhausting, especially on days when he decides not to nap.
So there are so many worries running through my head:
- Will I spend the whole weekend crying from being away from Baby J?
- Will Baby J be okay without me?
- Will JMan wake-up in the night to feed Baby J (JMan is a very deep sleeper) or will we be accidentally be making Baby J CIO (cry-it-out)?? Sad face.
- Will I annoy all my vanmates with my incessant pumping? I'll have to do it every 3-4 hours the whole time - is that going to be the most obnoxious thing ever?? I already predict yes.
- Will I be able to keep the pumped milk cold enough to at least not have to throw all of it out? That stuff is liquid gold and the thought of throwing it away makes me want to throw up.
- Will my lack of training come back to haunt me as I run 15 miles including 7 straight down a mountain and 4 straight up a hill? How will my quads feel?
- Is it going to be SO COLD? Current forecasts are for highs of 70 in actual Vegas but only highs of 50 on Mt. Charleston (where my first leg is) and lows of 40's at night (when my 2nd and 3rd legs will be).
- Will Baby J forget about me while I'm gone???????????? Don't answer that if it's yes.
See you on the other side folks. And just because you made it this far through all all my fears, you've earned yourself a 20% off code from Nuun (code "ragnarvegas", expires 12/31/13) and a 40% off + free shipping code from Pro Compression (code: "nuunpc", also expires 12/31/13).