But then we "transformed" it into a blank slate of a nursery:
Which we then very painstakingly painted with stripes. JMan was not pleased with the task.
Then we slowly but surely acquired some furniture. We added a dresser (to be used as a changing table also) that was in our room:
As well as a rocking chair we already had and a crib we got on super sale at Wal-Mart:
Then somewhere along the way, I became obsessed with owls. That led to the pick-up of that owl puppet at IKEA and the creation (with major help from Lisa!) of the owl mobile:
And then between everyone being amazing, my frugal thrift shopping ways, and a very lovely baby shower, the room slowly started to come together!
Those three canvases are awaiting the babies three initials. First name still to be determined.
My Grandma made the owl wall hanging on the far left and I am OBSESSED with it! Have you ever seen anything so adorable?!
And it's finally feeling pretty well done - the finished product of a complete MESS transformed into a nursery!
All done on a pretty small budget as well. Anyone else have any nursery / budget tips to add?