Monday, September 10, 2012

I Have a Few Secrets For You

So I have a few secrets for you.  No, I'm not pregnant.  Sorry Mom and Dad.  
Secret #1 (the actual secret): I’ve spent the last week vacationing in Kauai and it was AMAZING.  Many many full posts to come about that.  The only big problem was that when we booked the trip the timing was perfect with my old job (i.e., being at the slowest time of the year) but now that I just switched jobs it ended up being at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME for my new job and I felt rather guilty about that.  But it was all non-refundable and such and my new boss knew at the time of my hiring so off we still went, to the wonderful lovely island of Kauai:

Seriously, it was amazing.  I want to go back.  I have post-vacation depression for sure.  

Secret #2 (probably not an actual secret): my hamstring’s still not better.  It’s probably not a secret if you follow me on Twitter.  My hamstring and I are NOT friends.  First of all, just so you know, I went to the chiropractor last Friday and through a series of painful and not painful stretches he determined that it was, in fact, my hamstring, and not my piriformis as previously thought.

After two full weeks off of running (remember the gloriousness of running at Hood toCoast? Yeahhhh that was the last time I ran) I’m still not 100%.  It IS better, but it’s far from 100%.  It's especially sad because I had high hopes the "two weeks off" would work it's magic it has with my other injuries in the past.  

You know what made all of this even worse?  The fact that the Kauai Half Marathon / Marathon just HAPPENED to be going on while we were here.  Seriously, I promise you I didn’t plan it.  But you can bet as soon as I found out I was determined to sign up.  Bart Yasso and Dean Karnazes were even the hosts.  And have I mentioned I LOVE running on tropical islands?  Who doesn’t though?

So after it appeared that my hamstring issue was a real thing, I went back and forth about doing this race for days.  But I was smart, and being smart sucked.  Big time.  At the time it would be one week of resting since Hood to Coast and it seemed smart to wait until the "magic" two week number so I could start running again and not have to start the resting over from scratch.  But then when we boarded our flight with runners on it I was back on the wagon again, ready to go registered in person or worse (*gasp*!), bandit the race!  But alas, I remained suckily strong.  I think what was the suckiest was that yes, I COULD have run the race.  Would it have been uncomfortable or maybe even painful?  Probably.  But not unbearable.  I just didn't want it to prolong my recovery. 

So I did not run the Kauai Half Marathon.  I did not run a half marathon in my 7th state, in my incredibly half-assed attempt at the 50 States (i.e., I'm not really trying).  

And my hamstring still hurts.  

And now you know my secrets. 

Anyone have thoughts about curing a miserable hamstring?