I hope you're enjoying some rest from work, about to eat tons of delicious food, and maybe even got in a nice little turkey trot run. That pretty much sums up my ideal day right there. Run, eat, rest.
I'm thankful for so many things this year. I'm so lucky and blessed and I so appreciate all I have. So I thought I might shout it from the rooftops.
I'm thankful JMan and I have been together a whopping 11 years this week. Shocking, right? I know you think I look waaaayyy too young to have been with ANYONE 11 years. Plus - I'm very thankful JMan has put up with me for this long. He deserves an award, that's for sure. Here's to (at least!) another 11 years together!
Look how young we once were!
I'm thankful to have the best family in the world, both in terms of my own parents and my in-laws and extended family. They are all so supportive, loving, and fun to be around (well, at least when my mom's not calling out my procrastination on my dissertation-writing!).
What an adorable family - right??
I'm not thankful for my hamstring. But this is a positive post, so moving on...
I am SO thankful that I got lucky enough to have THE BEST DOG EVER. Seriously, how lucky was I to actually choose the absolute best dog in the whole world out of all those puppies??? I'm not sure. Cooper continuously makes my life that much better and I can't imagine life without him.
I'm thankful to have finally finished Gone Girl so that I can get back to my normal life instead of just listening to that book 24/7. I don't want to give anything away, but although I was OBSESSED with this book the last 1/4 of it kind of let me down a bit. Let me know what you think about the ending!
I'm VERY thankful to have a 4.5 day weekend! I'm also thankful for my new job that allows this, that I both love and find constantly challenging (in a good, although sometimes stressful, way).
I'm also thankful to have some of the best friends in the world. I APPRECIATE YOU! And you know who you are. Thanks for being awesome. I'm also thankful to have found this wonderful blogging community of runners, all people who I think are awesome.
Just a few of the people who I think are awesome.
And I think a theme of the pictures in this post is that I miss summer??!!
Finally, although I'm not thankful for my hamstring, I AM thankful that I did have a pretty great year of running. Even though it turns out my hamstring will bother me for nearly half the year, I trained and ran a marathon, ran the Mt. Si, Ragnar, and Hood to Coast relays, completed my very first triathlon, ran my first trail race (a 30k to boot, even though it wasn't a 50k), and ran 3 (soon to be 4) half marathons, including the Disney Princess race. Seriously, I have so much to be thankful for both running-wise and otherwise.
And that's a wrap.
What are you doing this lovely Thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?