Cooper agrees.
Monday - 6 miles around the neighborhood in 58 minutes. Why does this feel SO long ago? I seriously can't remember it - good thing DailyMile remembers for me.
Tuesday - 3 miles with the lovely Lisa. My hamstring was acting up a bit so I called it good at 3. We did some planks / push-ups / squats too. Good job Lisa!
Wednesday - Super busy, but JMan wanted to go to the gym so I tagged along even though it was 9pm at night. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes of lifting weights. Except then I had a TERRIBLE time going to sleep so I don't think I'm going to work out this late again.
Thursday - A big fat REST day. Not scheduled either. I am already so depressed about how early it is getting dark. I meant to run but by the time I could it was already 7pm and pitch black and scary. Ugh. I need to a) make friends with that horrid treadmill thing, b) find good places that are well-lit to run, and / or c) get more running friends who live near me and like to run when I do. Any takers?
Instead of working out I had a crazy laminating / paper-cutting party. Ah, the wild life of a teacher.
Saturday - The Pt. Defiance race! The now Ms. Ultra Marathoner Lindsay was doing the 50k and I planned to do the 15k but ended up doing the 30k, but it was actually 21.4 miles instead of 18.6. Yeah yeah yeah, I'm not smart. If you told me you ran 12 miles and then 21 miles I would definitely scold you, so give it to me.
Ready to ROCK! Race recap tomorrow (hopefully).
Sunday - 21 minutes on the bike at the gym. 15 minutes of easy yoga. I am SORE, especially in the hips and calves.
Running miles this week = 30.4! That's a lot for this old gal and her bum hamstring! You can bet with that impromptu 21 miler (though it wasn't all at once) I've got marathons and 50k's on the brain, and that's pretty much what I've been searching the internet for today. Oops! Sorry JMan!
How was your weekend? Did you race? I was pretty jealous of the folks doing the Nike Women's Marathon race. Maybe next year? What's your next race?