Wednesday, January 25, 2012

National Peanut Butter Day! My favorite day.

Can you see that?!  This is a picture of Big Papa, but Big Papa's Wife is on my left shin and they have a couple of babies running around on both legs.  This is evidence that chain-sawing is not only hard work, but it's dangerous!  So is hauling logs around the yard, which is actually what did this damage, not the scapegoat chainsaw.  Poor chainsaw, getting a bad rap.

In other news, it's National Peanut Butter Day!  If you haven't heard, peanut butter is my absolute favorite food and I could easily eat an entire jar if left unattended.  Anything made out of peanut butter (especially if chocolate is also involved) is delicious and wonderful.  So to celebrate this day I will take one for the team and have peanut butter with every meal.  Peanut butter in my oatmeal this morning made it all that more delicious. 

In other deliciousness-related news, Runner's World came out with this article that is pretty much trying to ruin my life.  They investigate if having a beer after a run (such as that which occurs at many races) hinders your performance or not.  The celebratory beer (at 10 in the morning, no less) is the reason half the runners get up at the crack of dawn to run races!  Why take that joy away from them?  Lucky for me, females in the study (with a tiny sample size of 10) actually performed BETTER after having a celebratory beer (poor men, they performed worse).  So cheers to that!  But no more research Runner's World, please, in case you find conflicting evidence.
The best beer in America.  If only I could buy JUST this and not the dumb sampler pack.  If you haven't  had it, get some.
Yesterday I swam 2,500 yards (50 laps).  I didn't drown (though there was gasping and flailing, as usual), so it was fairly uneventful.  I hate how I smell like a pool the rest of the day even if I take a shower after swimming.  

This is disgusting.  But funny at the same time.
Has anyone figured out how NOT to smell like a pool after swimming?  I would greatly like to learn your tactics.  Please share.  And have you tried Blue Moon Spiced Amber Ale yet?!


  1. I had to laugh out loud at the kid covered in peanut butter, my daughter did that with with chocolate sauce when she was younger, such a mess but I laughed then too.

    1. Ha! I bet that made a MESS out of your house!

  2. Nice work on the swim! My longest swims have been probably 1800 m or so. My best trick is using some kind of berry smelling body wash to mask the chlorine smell.

    1. That's a good idea, I just use the cheap soap they stock in the dispensers at the gym. Thanks! The longest I've gone without stopping is only 900 yards, I need to increase that part!

  3. Peanut butter is my kryptonite. And now I have turned my poor dog into a PB addict too...I've been putting some PB in her Kong before I leave the house and now just the sight of the jar makes her drool.

    1. Ha! My dog TOTALLY gets PB anytime I have some too. We need to go to Peanut Butter Anonymous or something...!


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