Friday, July 6, 2012

The First Annual 4th of July Mimosa 10k Fun Run!

I'm not sure how exactly it started... I think I wanted to do a race on the 4th of July but after seeing the few that were available I realized I definitely didn't want to pay $25+ to race, and then it seemed like an AWESOME idea to invite everyone I knew to run together on the 4th instead.  So that's exactly what happened.  

At 10am on the 4th of July, a lovely group of ladies gathered for... wait for it... the 1st Annual 4th of July Mimosa 10k Fun Run!  We ran 6.2 miles (exactly - it was totally a certified course!) together along the beautiful banks of Lake Washington.  

 Our run was sponsored by Cook's Champagne.  And when I say "sponsored", I mean I bought these ginormous bottles at Costco.

We even had a cheering squad - Becky and Ada cheered us on from the road as we passed! 

 Here's the photo Becky took of us dominating the race.  This was the non-scenic section.

After the run, we proceeded to potluck picnic in style - with mimosas (of course - hello, mimosas sponsored our race!), delicious blueberry buckle (aka coffee cake - thanks Lindsay!) wonderful pasta salads, scrumptious monkey bread (though not ever to be termed monkey bread - thanks Becky!), fruit kabobs, and everything else wonderful (I ran out of adjectives synonymous with delicious!) under the moon.

 Picture courteous of Lindsay

I even made this new dip Megan told me about: Funfetti Cake Dip!  Love it.  All it is is a funfetti cake mix, cool whip, and plain yogurt!  That's IT!  Now that's my kind of recipe.  Although next time I would use more cool whip and less yogurt and / or try using vanilla yogurt instead of plain.  The yogurt taste came through and I didn't really like that.  Dip with fruit and animal crackers! 

And overall, I'd say the 1st Annual 4th of July Mimosa 10k Fun Run was a complete and utter SUCCESS.  Come back next year ladies!

The Rockstars:
 Anya, Rebecca, Lauren, Lindsay, Becky, Saint Robyn, Jordanne, and I.  
Not pictured rockstars: Wendy & Lisa. 

Except next year - let's remember sunscreen.

 Yep, that's my back.  I heard racerback tan lines are in this year.

How was your 4th of July?  What did you do?