Sunday was JMan and I’s 6th anniversary! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JMAN!
I cannot believe it’s already been 6 years since our wedding
day. That’s ridiculous and makes me feel
old. I’m too young to have been married
for 6 years!
Yes Cooper was there (of course!) and yes he wore a tuxedo!
That day remains one of the best of my life. Possibly THE best. Besides the day I first tried white chocolate
wonderful peanut butter, anyway.
Speaking of peanut butter, we like to do the “traditional”
gifts and this year JMan had it SO easy because the 6-year gift is “candy”. Seriously, could it be any easier to get me a
candy-related present?
JMan is my rock, partner in crime, my confidante (thank you
for being a friend), my fellow lover of shenigans. He deserves a medal for putting up with a
crazy like me, and also for being the ultimate supporter of all
Here’s to (at least!) 6 more years together! :-)