Monday, August 6, 2012

Training for a 50k Week 1?

This week I actually made progress towards running the Pt. Defiance 50k, so am I training for it?  Hopefully so.

Last week although I dominated many workouts, I sucked by resting on a billion different days.  So my goals for this week involved a longer run, more days of workouts, and more than 24 miles.  And I beat all those goals!  Hooray for me.  

Monday - 8.1 glorious miles that actually felt GOOD for once.  Not just good, AWESOME.  Runner's high central. 

On an unrelated note - Cooper got a new toy - he's pretty excited about it. 

Tuesday - My only complete rest day of the week. 

Wednesday - Brick workouts.  20 miles of biking in 1:20 (15 mph) followed by the WORST RUN OF ALL TIME.  3 miles with about 6 different walk breaks.  Seriously people, running after biking is H-A-R-D.  How do you triathletes do it?  I really am doubting my future in the triathlon.  Danskin may be my one and only.  

Thursday - 5 miles at the Road Runner Adventure Run!  Come back tomorrow to hear more about that.

Friday - 1 mile of swimming (1,800 yards) in about 40 minutes.  The water was disgusting and hazy.  I guess that means it was good practice for open water swimming, which I still haven't done yet!  See comment above about already sucking at the triathlon.

Saturday - Another "Adventure Run" of sorts with Lindsay - 13 miles of trail running at Cougar Mountain.  This also deserves a post in and of itself, it was an adventure to be sure.

Sunday - Although I didn't plan on running again one of our houseguests Molly wanted to do a little run so I was more than happy to oblige.  We did about 1.88 miles in 20 minutes at 10am when it was already HOT HOT HOT.  Good practice for Hood to Coast.

Guess what guys?  I ran, trail ran, biked, AND swam this week.  I ran 5 days (though 2 days were very short, but that's what I need to do when I used to only run 3 days a week) for a total of 30.7 miles!  Wowsers!  I'm proud. 

Is the weekend really over already?  How was YOUR weekend?  How was your week of workouts?  What's your next race?