July was kind of uneventful. I actually don't think I have much to say. You see, in June I ran so much while training and actually running a marathon that I didn't want to run that much in July. And in May and June I did so much freaking data collection and data entry for my research project that I didn't really want to look at my data and pretty much just pretended like it didn't exist. Can you say "burn-out"? Say it with me - BURN OUT!!!
Books. So the one thing I did do in July that I didn't do in June, since I had extra time when I wasn't running and being productive working, was read. In June I only read 1 book, but in July I devoured 5, including finally reading 50 Shades of Grey (spoiler alert - not my favorite - post coming!), Divergent & Insurgent, Never Fall Down, and The Kitchen House.
I TOTALLY recommend both of these books. The Kitchen House is about a white girl from Ireland who becomes an indentured servant on a tobacco plantation in the South during the peak of slavery. It's tragic and wonderful and I loved it. Never Fall Down is a young adult semi-true story about becoming a child soldier in Cambodia during the peak of genocide. Also tragic but also wonderful and I read this one in a day - very fast read. READ THEM!
Miles. I ran 88 miles in July, the least so far this year. Not too shabby though considering I was coming straight off the marathon. I have a feeling August is going to be even worse though because of my dumb glute. Spoiler alert - it's still bothering me. GET BETTER GLUTE!
Degree. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I made zero progress on writing my dissertation and that needs to change. I gave myself a break after the drowing-in-data nonsense, now it's time to get back at it. My parents (and husband!) will kill me if I don't actually graduate this year.
Races. I don't know if you remember... you may have forgotten because I only wrote not 1, not 2, but THREE recaps about it, but in July I ran RAGNAR! And it was a blast. The weather didn't really cooperate, but fun was definitely had by all (right JMan???).
Ragnar was my 8th race of 2012 - looks like I'm right on schedule to hit 12 races with #9 and #10 coming up in August with my first triathlon ever and HOOD TO COAST with Team Nuun, then #11 in October with my first trail race ever and #12 in November with the cheap zozi deal I picked up for the Seattle Half Marathon.
As for CIM? I don't know if another marathon is in the cards for 2012 if my glute / piriformis doesn't start behaving. I'm going to tough it out until Hood to Coast is over and then figure out what I should do. But now we're totally off track.
How was your July? I don't want the summer to be over. What good book recommendations do you have for me?