Then remember how in June I ran the Seattle Rock n' Roll Full Marathon? It sucked, running on I-90 was slanted, running through Seward Park was lovely, the last 4 miles I wanted to die, and I didn't PR. I'm sure you remember my complaining.
Then remember how what a lovely surprise it was to get a second additional medal after the Seattle race for doing both Seattle and Portland?
Who doesn't like a bonus medal?
Whew, that was a lot of background story. Now we're caught up.
On Wednesday this week I got a mysterious package in the mail from Competitor Group. What could it be?
A 4th, unexpected medal? Don't mind if I do.
But what did I do to deserve this? I already got an extra one for doing 2 of Competitor's races in one year! But apparently that was a special one for doing 2 SPECIFIC Rock n' Roll races in one year, and now I get the GENERIC medal for doing 2 Rock n' Roll races in one year.
So to summarize, 4 medals for 2 races. Overkill???????
What do you think about getting more than 1 medal for an event? Has this happened to you? What other races do such things?