It's hard to believe April is in the books! I LOVE this because I consider May the start of summer, and my favorite 5 months of the year are finally here - May through September! But let's see how I did with my April goals:
- Running: I ran 123 miles this month! Wow! Even I was shocked to see it was that many - a full 22 miles more over March and 34 miles more over February! You can see my peak week so far has been 33 miles but I'm doing pretty well at maintaining high mileage (for me) especially considering I'm only running 3 days a week!
- Races: I ran two more races this month - first the Seahawks 12k as part of a 15 miler, and then an amazingly fun time doing the Mt. Si Relay with Kerrie, Zoe, Lindsay, and Lauren. Racing is the BEST. I have tons of races lined up for the rest of the year and barring any unforeseen issues (knock on wood) will definitely make my races goal. Next up is the Portland Rock n Roll Half Marathon on May 20th!

- Books: I read 9 books this month, including The Weird Sisters, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, and the next 4 books in the Pretty Little Liars series. I have a few more books to go and then I'll need to start watching the TV show! Yes I'm still embarrassed to admit my obsession. :-) I also read A Visit From the Goon Squad, which has been received by critics EXTREMELY well and even freaking won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2011. Apparently it's also being adapted into an HBO series. Okay okay, I GET IT. People like it. But I didn't. I didn't at ALL. I did not understand what the point was and the random characters that were introduced and then never heard from again. So I do NOT recommend this book to you, but apparently everyone else in America disagrees, so you better not take my word for it on this one. Has anyone read this? Can you please explain to me why it's so awesome?

- Volunteer: I signed up to volunteer for a race! I haven't done it yet, but I'm volunteering at the Tacoma City Marathon this Sunday! Are you going to be there? Let me know and I'll look out for you and try to give you water! They actually haven't given me my assignment yet (is that weird? I hope they haven't forgotten about me) but I requested a water station.
Are you running Tacoma City Marathon?! Tell me and let's meet up and I'll give you water! How did your April goals shape up? What books have you read lately that I should read?