Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Weekend's Over Already? Boo.

I was all excited for a weekend mostly free from planned activities, but somehow this weekend was action packed once again and I'm exhausted.  Why does the weekend have to go by so fast?  I need one more day!

As I mentioned yesterday, this weekend included a 7.35 mile tempo hilly run Saturday morning.  I didn't get out the door until around 9:45am and it was feeling quite toasty by the end.  I wore shorts, a tank, sunglasses, and sunscreen!  From the beginning!  I love summer.

My thumb looks ginormous. 

After my run we did some major work in the yard.  We haven't really worked on the yard since Fall so it was in dire need of mowing, moss-out (we have a major moss problem and our lawn looks radioactive), and pruning.  JMan took care of the mowing and I spent an hour turning this mess:

into this:

Okay okay so I kind of underestimated the size of the flowers and they look a little puny in there alone.  Hopefully they grow quickly!

We decided randomly to try out some Top Pot donuts:

I had the raspberry bismarck.  But honestly, I don't really like donuts and these were no exception.  I mostly just ate the filling out of mine.  You know if I didn't eat it all THAT'S saying something!  Voodoo Donuts remains the only donut for me.

A new Yogurtland opened by us!  So we had to check it out:

I stole this photo from Zoe - Thanks Zoe!

While Lauren thinks Mechie's is better in terms of topping selection (which I totally wholeheartedly agree with), I think Yogurtland's actual frozen yogurt is less chemical-tasting.  I had Root Beer Float, Red Velvet Cupcake, Coconut, and Pistachio flavors.  And holy yum it was delicious.  Too bad it's still not all that convenient.  Or maybe that's a good thing for my wallet!

I also found out important brand new information about Nuun.  Apparently it is NOT for placement in carbonated water.  I'm a big fan of Club Soda so I had a brilliant idea of making sparkling tri-berry Nuun.  Serious disaster ensued.  JMan just laughed and said, "Haven't you heard of the Mento's & Coke effect?"  Um, NO, clearly I haven't.

It looked a lot like this.  All over our kitchen.  And the mail.  And the floor.

I'm no scientist (clearly), but here's why Wikipedia says this happens (at least in the Mento's context): "The numerous small pores on the candy's surface catalyze the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from the soda, resulting in the rapid expulsion of copious amounts of foam."  Now we both learned something.  Don't ask me to paraphrase.  

Golfing happened on Saturday.  One par and a lot of crappy holes including a 10 happened.  I got a 58 - that's good right?  For only 9 holes?  I'm pretty sure the pro golf tour will be calling any time...

9 more holes of golf on Sunday happened.  Then I had to rush off to my tennis match, JMan and his friend were troopers and played a full 18.

Okay, you caught me, this is a recycled photo.  But it still fits!  It wasn't that sunny on Sunday.

Finally, a tennis match happened.  I won, 6-1, 6-0, and it was over quick, in about 50 minutes.  I haven't lost yet this season which sadly means I'm probably going to get moved up levels for next year, which I'm NOT pleased about.

And I worked.  Not nearly enough.  I'm still way behind because of a few crazy weeks of work and some travelling for work to Vancouver, BC and Philly.  But I made a little progress.

And now the weekend is over.  Why do weekends go by SO fast?!?!

How was your weekend?  What did you do?  How do you stay on top of your yard work?  And keep it from looking radioactive?  Any tricks and tips you can share?