We have #25... Ivy!
and #32... Cinnamon!
Ivy and EatPrayTri - email me (ricoleruns@gmail.com) your mailing address and your top two favorite flavors of Nuun (or flavors you most want to try). If I have them I will try to accomodate!
And... (drumroll please)... Ricole is a member of TEAM MORNING! Go Team Morning! We are going to rock it.
My lovely vanmates in Van 1 include:
Tricia – Tricia Minnick: Legs 1, 13, 25
Corey – Schnoodles of Fun: Legs 2, 14, 26
Stephanie – Epicurious Runner: Legs 3, 15, 27
Jess – Blonde Ponytail: Legs 4, 16, 28
Caitlin – Nuun Employee: Legs 5, 17, 29
Ricole Runs – Ricole Runs: Legs 6, 18, 30
Van 2 includes more rock stars like:
Erin – Nuun Employee: Legs 7, 19, 31
Elizabeth – Running For Bling: Legs 8, 20, 32
Dorothy – Mile Posts: Legs 9, 21, 33
Amanda – Runninghood: Legs 10, 22, 34
Jennifer – The Fit Fork: Legs 11, 23, 35
XLMIC – Taking It On: Legs 12, 24, 36
I'm so excited for August to hurry up and get here! So what do my legs look like?
Leg 6: 6.75 miles through Sandy, rated "Hard": Challenging uphills and gradual downhills along Hwy 26 on paved shoulder.
Leg 18: 5.23 miles through St. Helens, rated "Hard": Flat and gradual uphill terrain on hwy and paved back country roads.
Leg 30: 5.35 miles through Astoria, rated "Moderate": Gradual uphill and steep downhill on winding narrow back road with minimum shoulder.
Total running miles during the relay = 17.33 miles, with these set of legs being ranked the 4th most difficult. EEEK! I've been runner #2 (3rd most difficult) and runner #9 (2nd most difficult) before in 2010 and 2011 respectively, but never with such speedy vanmates who were counting on me!
So it's time to start training! I definitely want to incorporate more hill running (both uphill AND downhill) into my running, some speedwork, and a few two-a-days to get ready for this! My team is full of rock star runners and I don't want to let my team down!