Thursday, June 14, 2012

A May Recap Story

I can't believe May is over already! And I also can't believe how long it took to get my May recap up.  Oh, you can believe it you say?  Shut your mouth! 

Books.  I kind of fell off the reading wagon in May.  I only read 4 books this month, including the 10th Pretty Little Liars book, The Thirteenth Tale, and our two next book club books though, Arcadia and The Night Circus.  I LOVED the Night Circus and highly recommend it.  It's like Harry Potter meets Hunger Games meets Water for Elephants.  READ IT!  Arcadia was so-so.  It was interesting because it was about growing up on a hippie commune in the 1960's, which I know nothing about.  But then it jumped through time a lot and I liked it less.  Still, worth a looksie. 

Miles.  In May I just BARELY beat out June's mileage of 123 with a whopping 124.  That will probably be my highest mileage month of the entire year though, so I need to savor it!  Right now I'm way on track to beat last year's total mileage of just over 1,000 miles. 

The weekly mileage is looking pretty good too.  

 Looks like it's time to taper to me!

Races.  I ran my 6th race of the year in 2012 and my 12th half marathon ever: the inaugural Portland Rock n Roll Half Marathon.  I didn't PR and I didn't feel so great but I GOT 'ER DONE.

That's us.  Getting 'er done. 

Volunteering.  I finally volunteered at my first race in May!  It was the Tacoma City Marathon / Half Marathon - I got to cheer on a ton of awesome runners including many old and new friends, bloggers and otherwise.  I HIGHLY recommend volunteering at a water station to anyone who hasn't done it before!  IT'S SO FUN!

Plus, I got a $30 credit to a future race, which I have already cashed in for... drumroll please...

LindsayOnTheGo is doing it too!  Plus I've got some peer pressure on other people in the works.  :-)

Degree Completion.  I have been making MAJOR progress towards this and this is the #1 reason why I'm so busy and have lost my running mojo.  The crazy never-ending work load will lessen soon with the end of the school year.  So look for better blog posts / blog stalking again starting around June 22.  :-)

Pretty good May if I do say so myself!

How was your month?  What is your #1 goal you hope to reach this year?