Saturday, March 3, 2012

No Armadillos & No Manatees

An alternate title for this post could be "An Ode to My Mom: Part 2".  You can check out Part 1 of this post here.  I promised you more adventures on Tuesday and Wednesday and here they are!

On Tuesday there was tennis and searching for manatees at the manatee park.  In our quest to see both armadillos and manatees we failed profusely.

This is the only manatee I saw.  But I am a sucker for manatee pirates!  Arggghhh Matey.  That's probably a word combination I'll never say again.

We also searched for birds and walked around the lake at the big park nearby.
Let's see if my Mom taught me anything.  From left to right, these are a cormorant, great blue heron, great egret.  Am I right Mom?!

Alligators (and hurricanes, and poisonous snakes, and the humidity) are pretty much the #1 reason I don't want to live in Florida.  Why would you feed them?  EVER??  USE COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!

This is a re-enactment of what would happen if I did live in Florida.

We also played miniature golf.  My Mom and I are both somewhat of miniature golf connoisseurs, and did you know that Florida boasts the best miniature golfing in the world?  I even made JMan play when we went to Orlando in November!  

Isn't my Mom such a good sport?!

On Wednesday we hit up the Edison-Ford Estates, which is where Thomas Edison and Henry Ford spent their winters.  This kind of thing isn't really my kind of thing, but it was still interesting and I think my Mom had a great time.

Edison's lab and home at his "winter estate" in Fort Myers.
I remember my first winter estate...

Basically I learned that Edison was even more of a genius than I originally thought he was.  Did you know that he not only invented the lightbulb, but also the phonograph, motion picture machine, and even the battery!  He held over 1,000 patents in the U.S. alone and is the only person to obtain a patent every year for 65 years running.  See, I learned something!  Shocking, right?

Thomas Edison is also apparently very tall. 

And, it's back to the real world.  Boo, Seattle rain.  Someday I will live somewhere warm and lovely like Florida.  But not Florida because I don't like poisonous snakes.  

A poisonous snake: the cottonmouth.  Me no likey. 

Happy Saturday!  What are you up to this weekend?  I'm headed on another weekend adventure that will cap off with running another half marathon tomorrow, and JMan is even doing the 10k!  Go him!  When's your next race?


  1. Omg I love mini golf!!!!! :) My cousin just recently went to Florida and a manatee swam into her!!!! She had no idea what it was. Haha Good luck at your race! Kick booty!

  2. Good luck on your half!

    I did the Disney Princess last weekend, and am all ready for the Womens More Half in Central Park, NYC on Apr 15.....


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