Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Slutty Brownie Success

We interrupt our previously scheduled broadcasting (i.e., discussing my poor running skills and general shenanigans) to bring you your monthly new dessert recipe to try.  Remember my cadbury egg cupcakes and chocolate chip cookie covered Oreo?  Yeah, if I'm actually making something, you can bet its chocolatey dessert. 

Have you had Slutty Brownies before?  If not, RUN, don't walk, to your nearest store and make these IMMEDIATELY.  You won't regret it.  I had heard about this recipe before, this weekend Leandrea and I decided to try it out, generally following this recipe

Things you need:
  • A box of brownie mix 
  • Cookie dough (we used a mix and used chocolate chip though I bet peanut butter would be the bomb)
  • Eggs (for the brownie mix & cookie dough)
  • Oil (for the brownie mix & cookie dough)
  • Oreos (we used Double Stuf, obviously that's preferred!)
First - make the cookie dough and press it into the bottom of your pan.  We didn't make enough cookie dough and / or our pan was too small.  So we made do.

Second -  we crushed up the oreos but it turns out I don't think you need to, you can just put them whole on top of the cookie dough.

Third - make the brownie batter and pour it on top of the Oreos. 

Fourth - top with remaining Oreos if you want.  Which of course, we did.  :-)

Fifth - bake at 350 degrees.  Ours took FOREVER to cook and the batter never totally solidified, so we thought we did it wrong, but after some research I think that's what's supposed to happen.  The recipe said to cook it for 30 minutes but we ended up cooking ours for closer to an hour.

Sixth - definitely DEFINITELY eat it hot and top it with vanilla ice cream.  It NEEDS the vanilla ice cream.  Seriously.  However, if you refridgerate it for a few hours it will solidify enough that you can cut it and have actual bars that stay together.  Also delicious that way.  JMan agreed it was the bomb.  He also let me know it's not 1995, and we're no longer saying "the bomb".  I disagree.   

And... Slutty Brownie Success.  Enjoy!