Monday, April 30, 2012

Seattle RnR Training Week #6

This week was pathetic and I was tempted to not even post this training recap, because there's hardly ANYTHING to say besides what you already know.  I got a big fat F- on my cross-training this week.  I did complete my training runs and it was a cut-back week, so I guess if my goal was to rest I totally dominated that, but that wasn't exactly my goal...

I won't totally blame myself, I have some excuses.  Are you surprised?!

Monday - After a 4:00am wake-up call (for the second day in a row!) and a day FULL of flying, I was exhausted.  I also found out my hotel didn't have a gym.  Holiday Inn Express FAIL.  I did walk a LOT at both the Chicago and the Philly airports - those airports are huge.  So that's some cross-training?

Tuesday - An amazing 10.5 mile sight-seeing run through Philly.  This became my accidental long run for the week.

Wednesday - Fail again.  I technically could have gotten up early to work out but 7:00am is still 4:00am Pacific time remember?  So I slept.  And then I rode a plane all day long again.  Except I didn't have to walk very much to get to my gate in Chicago.  And the Seattle airport's not that big.  So I really pretty much did nothing.  I did get peed on by a pigeon though.

Thursday - 2.4 miles at Girls On The Run practice, then came home and did 2.6 more miles at home.  Not very exciting or energetic either.

Friday - Okay now here's when the ENTIRE blame lies on me.  I have NO good excuse except that it's been go-go-go nonstop business for 3+ weeks and when my long busy day was FINALLY over the only thing I could think about involved my couch, some trashy tv (Revenge anyone?!), and this:

Beer Win (Pyramid Apricot Ale rocks) but Cross-Training Fail

Saturday - 7.35 hilly tempo miles in 1:01 even (Average Pace: 8:18).  My mantra was Go Hard & Go Hills.
Later - 9 holes of golf.

Elevation Gain of 354 feet.  Not bad not bad!

You can see where the hills are in the splits: 8:40, 8:36, 7:46, 8:24, 8:06, 8:33, 8:26, 7:12 (.35)

Sunday - 9 holes of golf (but I didn't carry a bag and rode some of the time, so not as much of a workout)
50 minutes of tennis (I won 6-1, 6-0, thanks for asking!)

Total running miles: 22.85

Okay, so I completely failed this week, although I guess I did have quite a variety of cross-training type activities on the weekend!  I don't like to plan out my exact workouts but maybe that's what I need to do to make it happen.  So let's try it this week and see if that helps:

Here's the tentative plan for next week:
Monday - Cycle Class
Tuesday - Track Tuesday - make it happen!  8 x 400's + Strength
Wednesday - Probably rest - Wednesdays are too busy
Thursday - 8 miles + Strength
Friday - Swim
Saturday - 20 miles - ugh, I'm already dreading it
Sunday - Yoga

That seems unlikely I'm actually going to do all that.  But that's the dream.  Let's do this Ricole.

How were your workouts this week?  WIN or FAIL like me?  Do you have any tricks to make myself cross-train and strength-train?  I seem to have no problem whatsoever getting my runs in, shocker.