So after reading my Disney Princess Race Recap yesterday, you decided you might someday want to make a Snow White costume for a race?! Oh, no, you don't? Please come back tomorrow then. But if you do, that's excellent news! Please read on, and learn how to make this and all its glory:
First of all, I take absolutely NO credit whatsoever for this costume. This Mama Makes Stuff is amazing and I pretty much used her tutorial (with some tweaks) for this Snow White costume so she deserves all the credit. She is amazing and has fabulous ideas!
This Mama Makes Stuff's Costume |
Okay, so here's what you need if you ever want to recreate my Snow White costume:
- A Yellow Tutu. I already taught you everything I know about tutu-making. That's how I got this one.
- A blue tank top. I searched everywhere (okay, not really, just Target and Old Navy, but I really hoped Target would have something I liked and wanted) and got this cheapo tank top at Old Navy for about $6. I was not in love with it and hoped I'd find something better fitting, more flattering, and made of dri-fit material, but no luck. Target never had my size and their "blue" was more "violet" in my eyes, which doesn't make me happy in the least.
Before all the "Extras"! |
- White material for the collar. I was really worried about this part, because I couldn't figure out how it was going "stand up" on its own. Lisa is a genius and figured out that this stuff called 'interface' exists, which is what they use for the collars in men's dress shirts. So cut it in the shape you want and voila! So easy.
- Elastic for the arm bands. Measure the circumference of your arm and cut that amount of elastic twice (maybe a little less so it's tight). Sew together, preferably with a sewing machine but we quickly broke Lisa's machine and didn't know how to fix it (have I mentioned I'm the least domesticated person ever?) so we hand-sewed everything. I was nervous my costume would fall off me while I was running, but I dodged a bullet this time. I also used my little common sense and wore something underneath so I wasn't left naked.
- More elastic to attach to the tank top. Then cut another two short pieces of elastic that you'll use to attach the sleeves to the tank top. Or you could just sew directly to the tank top but since we were hand sewing this was easier.
- Tulle for the sleeves. This Mama Makes Stuff used ribbon, and I brought ribbon intending to do that, but then Lisa had the stupendous idea of using tulle instead and I think it looks SO much better than ribbon. So much puffier and princess-like! Highly highly HIGHLY recommend this route. Simply cut it in the length you want it, bunch it together, and sew it to your shorter piece of elastic. Then sew it to your circle arm band piece of elastic. I did 4 pieces, 2 each of red and 2 each of blue for each arm. I think you could go 5-6 and it would look even better!
- Red material for the cape. I actually already had a cape from doing the Hell Run, so we just sewed it in half to a) cover the huge Hell Run logo, and b) to make it the right length. It came with a string tie so we just used that or else you would sew the material to your tank top.
- Make your bow! I just
sewedhot-glued sparkly ribbon to a piece of elastic (sewing is obviously preferable but haven't I mentioned already I'm not too domesticated?). It might be a bit big?!
- Put it all together! I already had all the ribbon cut for the sleeves so I made some bracelets out of it. I also bought yellow socks and yellow ribbon to add some "extras".
And voilĂ ! You're done! You are officially princess-ified.
How is your week going? What race is coming up for you next? Ever dress in costume for a race?