On Saturday I met Lisa, Jordanne, Anya, and Anya's friend Mishel for a run at Soos Creek. I had wanted to meet the Seattle bloggers for the
Run for Sherry but I had to be in Lakewood for tennis (more on that later) and wasn't sure I could squeeze the drives in. So we did our own mini
Run for Sherry. Had a great run, the rain held off, and after they all slowly trickled home and I was alon
e after 8 miles I decided to pick it up for as long as I could manage or until I hit 2 hours, whichever came first. But by the time 2 hours rolled around I was so close I decided to do a full half marathon for Sherry. Felt pretty good, though the last miles were hard, I wish they were faster for how hard they were. 13.11 miles total in 2:01:58 (AP: 9:18). Negative splits baby!
Splits: 9:35, 9:22, 9:38, 9:55, 9:31, 9:41, 10:06, 9:49, 9:05, 8:49, 8:41, 8:29, 8:27
I also played tennis (for 2.5 hours, I might add, my forearm was KILLING me - I am so not ready to play in a real match) and worked a ton. Remember that
big deadline I was working towards last weekend? Well it's coming up on Wednesday, and my advisor gave me so much (helpful!) feedback on the 93 pages I submitted last week that I have a ton of re-working to do.
In more interesting news, remember when I couldn't stop thinking about
these cookies I saw on Pinterest? I made them! They were a sad second choice to the Cadbury Creme Egg Cupcakes because although I went on a mission I couldn't find any Cadbury eggs ANYWHERE. I guess they're waiting until after Valentine's Day to pull out the big guns.
So I made chocolate chip covered double stuff Oreos. A heart attack in just one little cookie. And trust me, they were just as delicious as they looked and sounded. Harder to make than I thought they would be, because it was difficult to get the dough wrapped perfectly around the Oreo (especially without the Oreo breaking), and as you can see I did so a little too thickly which is why my cookies don't look as beautiful as the ones on Pinterest. I would like to try it again with peanut butter cookie dough, because a) we all know I love peanut butter and b) I also think it'd be easier to wrap the Oreo without the chocolate chips getting in the way.
In the oven |
On the counter |
In my belly |
Delicious delicious delicious. I brought them to our long run so I hope Lisa, Jordanne, Anya, and Mishel enjoyed them as much as JMan and I did! What else do you need to make your weekend great besides a long run and some really fabulous cookies? Nothing.
How was YOUR weekend? What did you do? How far did you run?