This week's "rap-up" brought to you by DJ Jazzy Jeff. Remember "Summertime"?
Yeah you remember it. Don't lie. Poor Jazzy Jeff often gets forgotten as the more popular Will Smith's sidekick, but he deserves some love too!

Anyway, I think we're all 100% aware by now that I ran the Princess Half yesterday in Orlando with Leandrea. So this week has been full of all kinds of crazy shenanigans including a horribly long flight from Seattle to Florida that took up my whole day on Friday (that's what I get for waiting until the last minute to book my flight), a Saturday filled with Epcot fun, and a Sunday of hugging strangers dressed like Disney characters. More to come about all that this week! But for now, here's the weekly "rap-up"!
Monday - President's Day! I love holidays. In honor of the President's I didn't do much of anything. Rode my bike a sad 1 mile around the neighborhood (and realized it was way too rainy / cold for a bike ride) and some weights stuff.
Tuesday - 8.25 miles in 1:19
Wednesday - 40 minutes on the elliptical
Thursday - 43 minutes on the bike trainer / 1.5 mile walk with Cooper
3 mile crappy run
Friday - I flew all. freaking. day. JMan was a saint for driving me to the airport at 4:30am. I walked around the San Francisco airport as much as I could.
Saturday - Walked everywhere at Epcot!
Sunday - Survived the 13.1 miles of the Disney Half Marathon in 2:03:xx! Full recap to come as soon as I have internet and some time to write it all down!
Total Weekly Miles: 24.35

Have a great week! I'm in Florida until Wednesday so I know I'll be having a GREAT time (I think we're headed to the beach today!)!
How was your weekend? What did you do?