Last night I did my last run before the Princess Half on Sunday! Both Lisa and Jordanne bailed so I was sadly left running-partner-less. I did 3 crappy miles on my own. My shin is squawking and making me extremely mad and nervous for the half. Cross-your-fingers it is just race nerves or something and I can actually run 13.1 miles on Sunday!
In travel news, I'M OFF TO ORLANDO! The consequences for my major procrastination in deciding to do this race are that I leave at 6:15am today and it's far from non-stop to Orlando. But I did snag an aisle seat at the last minute, before that I was facing a middle in the very back of the plane. Too bad Florida's forecast is calling for a lousy high of 64 on Saturday. BUT I STILL CAN'T WAIT!
Now on to the countdown! You've seen #5, #4, and #3, but choosing which Disney movie was going to be #1 and which was going to be #2 was extremely extremely difficult. I adore both of these movies. I kind of want to watch both of them right now! But there can't be two #1's, so here it is: THE LION KING!
In travel news, I'M OFF TO ORLANDO! The consequences for my major procrastination in deciding to do this race are that I leave at 6:15am today and it's far from non-stop to Orlando. But I did snag an aisle seat at the last minute, before that I was facing a middle in the very back of the plane. Too bad Florida's forecast is calling for a lousy high of 64 on Saturday. BUT I STILL CAN'T WAIT!
Now on to the countdown! You've seen #5, #4, and #3, but choosing which Disney movie was going to be #1 and which was going to be #2 was extremely extremely difficult. I adore both of these movies. I kind of want to watch both of them right now! But there can't be two #1's, so here it is: THE LION KING!
In other news, remember when I started James Dashner's series and hated Mazerunner but still went on and read Scorch Trials, which I liked a lot more? Well after finishing Scorch Trials I immediately read the 3rd and final book, The Death Cure (good name, right? Sounds very cheerful).
Like Scorch Trials, I listened, and hoped to have some amazing revelations about why all of this nonsense needed to happen. Nope, no luck there. I found myself liking the main character Thomas less and less throughout this book, hating how he was treating the other main character Theresa. I hated how their relationship was this entire book, hated how we didn't learn anything, and just in general didn't like this book. On par with the first one, Mazerunner. So, do I recommend it? It passed the commuting time, I guess, especially since I didn't have any other books from the library I wanted to read. And obviously you might like it more than I!
Now I have LOTS of books from the library to read though, including The Marriage Plot, The Kitchen House, and our next book club book, The Girl Who Chased the Moon. Which one should I read next?

Have you read any of these books? Which one should I read next? What are you reading right now? What's your 2nd favorite Disney movie of all time?

This seems a lot more accurate. Poor little guy.

2 days!