Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Very Beachey Weekend

Yesterday you got the race report, today you get the weekend report!  As I mentioned, on Sunday I did the Lincoln City Half Marathon, so this required heading to Lincoln City, a fun beachey tourist town, for the weekend.   It's definitely the ultimate vacation for the dogs: Jordanne and Kevin have two dogs (Boone and Rocky) so coupled with Cooper the three dogs had an absolutely FABULOUS time at the beach, as these pictures might detail:

This is my most favorite picture of Cooper ever!

Rocky & Cooper headed off into the sunset so happy at the beach. 

The beach was also full of hot-tub sitting, mimosa drinking, and movie-watching.  Lots of relaxing definitely happened, which was much needed after my stressful weeks preparing for my general exams.  It felt like such a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders after I finished and found out I PASSED!  

We watched both The Iron Lady and War Horse.  Have you seen either?  What did you think?

First up was War Horse.  Now I am a complete and utter sucker for any and all horse movies (why yes National Velvet, you are one of the best movies of all time) so I am a sucker for any movies featuring an animal as the hero.  Here's what IMDB has to say about War Horse: "Young Albert enlists to serve in World War I after his beloved horse is sold to the cavalry. Albert's hopeful journey takes him out of England and across Europe as the war rages on."  Despite thinking I would love it, I was bored. to. death.  The horse WAS extremely beautiful so of course the movie had that going for it, but other than that it was excruciatingly predictable and they just didn't sell me on this bond between horse and boy (they knew each other for it seemed only a month before they were separated).  The movie also seemed to go on and on and on.  JMan and Kevin thought they did a good job with the war scenes though. So if you like war movies you might love it?

Next up was The Iron Lady.  I had never even heard of this movie before so I had no idea what to expect.  Here's what IMDB has to say about it: "A look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, with a focus on the price she paid for power."  It wasn't bad, it was fairly interesting given that I knew nothing about Margaret Thatcher and I thought Meryl Streep did a good job.  I did think that given that Margaret Thatcher is still living I wouldn't be too pleased with how I was portrayed if I were her.  Showing the role from the eye of dementia seems to diminish all the great she did, and further, all the shots of riots, violence, and horrible things in England seemed to show she did a worse job as ruler than in actuality, which was that she improved the situation over time.  I'd recommend you check it out though, and then tell me what you thought!

 Do you like going to the beach?  Have you seen either of these movies?  If so, what did you think?