It's time for another Sunday Flashback! By now you're pretty much on to my weekly transfer of old race reports to populate the
Race Reports page. After the
stress fracture debacle of April, 2009, I was pretty much out for the rest of the year. I was able to start building up running again in October / November of that year (yes, so long out from running, it was HORRIBLE). I did a 5k in December and then started training for my first big race back - the Atlanta Half Marathon with
Leandrea. I had some scares along the way but I was able to do it! And here it is:
Did the Atlanta Half Marathon today with Leandrea, and met our goals of both finishing and finishing without a broken ankle! Yippee! It was almost exactly a year ago (April 5) when I broke my ankle in the Portland Half and I've been having major anxiety about this all week so I'm glad its done and all is well. Though I think I may have killed Leandrea. Second person I have dragged along and killed their knee! I'M SORRY LEANDREA! But you did AWESOME! Her first half and she killed it. If not for the bathroom break I think we definitely would have been under 2 hours.

The bad: This course was hilly. Only one hill that was bad, but "rolling hills" the whole entire way. We were either going up hill or down hill it seemed almost the whole time, which is probably why L's knee hurt so bad. The weather was fine, rained lightly about half the time, about 80% humidity and 58 degrees or so. Luckily the horrible pouring rain, thunder, and lightning waited until the afternoon, or that would have been terrible and brought on the "black flags" they told us about.
I didn't have music, just Harry Potter, and even though I charged my Garmin right before I left on the trip somehow it must have been on this whole time or something because it was dead. Luckily L had hers and this was the first race I've done where they had running digital clocks at all the mile markers. I wore brand new shoes for the first time, which was stupid and I knew it, and my right achilles was super tight and hurting for a few miles probably because of that. Bathroom break around mile 10 that took at least a minute or 2. I drank a little too much champagne at a wedding the night before but it didn't seem to hurt me! :-) Not so much bad, all in all!

The good: We finished! And I felt good. I had no idea we were going that fast in the beginning, it just felt good and we were cruising along so we stuck with it. But I have not been running 8's in any of my training runs so this was fast! I felt good though and though my legs were getting tired I think I could have finished at this pace. I pretty much killed L after mile 10, I felt so bad! Took a Gu at miles 6 and 10, and gatorade and water at every aid station. The spectators were great and lots of dogs and kids along the route, which I liked. Not exactly scenic but we ran through some pretty old neighborhoods, by some cool churches, through some parks, and through Georgia Tech.
We did a poor job of running the tangents I guess, and there were 18,000 people in this race so LOTS of weaving. It was never not congested the whole entire time. Garmin says we did 13.26 so our average is 9:09 according to that. So the splits are a little off because of this.
Total Ascent: 2,102 (yep, hilly!)
Total Time: 2:01:12 (chip time, was about 5 minutes behind the gun)
Splits: 8:55, 8:50, 8:39, 9:10, 8:44, 8:50, 9:00, 8:50, 8:43, 10:06 (bathroom), 9:50, 9:59, 9:16, 8:48 (.26)
And that's a wrap! I felt so happy to finish this race, I was seriously really scared about getting another stress fracture along the way (or DURING the race again) and am a hypochondriac now because of that injury. I've now run 2 half marathons with Leandrea (
remember Disney?!) and I hope to run many more with her. Too bad she lives all the way in Atlanta (MOVE HERE!).
Are you a hypochondriac? Has an injury scared you into being nervous about it coming back all the time? What happened?